This week was especially awesome! It was awesome because I had the chance to test shipping cake pops and it was a shipment at the request of the creators of the Robot Chicken TV Show! They contacted me to order some Robot Chicken cake pops to give them a try. Midtown Sweets doesn’t currently ship but it was a great opportunity to see what it takes since they were ordered as a Just Because.

Mr Senreich was kind enough to send a few pictures of one of the RC Cake Pops checking out the Studio. 🙂

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These Star Trek Themed Cake Pops were ordered as a Thinking of You/Just Because Gift.

Molded Vanilla Cake dipped in colored Candy Melts.

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I finally took a moment to make a cake pop themed around one of my favorite gaming series, Legend of Zelda. A Zelda themed pop has been on my to-do list for about 2 years and I decided to make one today with an extra cupcake from the latest bake up. I was actually planning on making a Link (Wind Wanker) Cake Pop but all the heart displays from Valentine’s actually gave me the idea to try a heart shaped Majora’s Mask Cake Pop. It was a tricky, tricky pop.

The pop is chocolate cake molded into a heart shape and then dipped in a blend of dark blue and pink chocolate. Tinted rolling fondant was used for the eyes and horns.



With Halloween 2012 approaching, I decided to create another “Featured” Pop to celebrate the holiday. Last year, the Robot Chicken Cake Pop became fairly popular so I decided to pull another character idea out of the realm of Comic Con.

Midtown Sweets’ Halloween 2012 Featured Cake Pop is Hellboy from Dark Horse Comics. This pop was sculpted from chocolate cake and dipped in red candy melt. The goatee, hair, and eyes are colored candy melts. The cigar is made from marshmallow fondant.

Hellboy Cake PopsHellboy Cake PopsHellboy Cake Pops

Hellboy Cake Pops

I created these cake pops for a very special birthday & guy.  They represent one of his favorite Capcom video games, Megaman.

French Vanilla cake pops dipped in candy melt and detailed with modeling chocolate.

The pops are Megaman, his dog Rush, and his Mega Buster Cannon.

Megaman Cake Pops

Megaman (Buster Cannon) Cake Pops

Megaman (Rush) Cake Pops

Megaman Cake Pops

Kratos (God of War) has been on my Cake Pop To-Do list for a while. I’ll call this draft 1 and will be revisiting him in the future.

The Cake Pop is chocolate fudge cake covered in white candy melt and detailed with red & black food color pens.  The beard and eyebrows are black candy melt.

God of War Cake Pop

When Patriots become heroes, their legend will someday be forever etched in cake! Today is that day!

To celebrate the 4th birthday of Maddox W. of Marietta, GA, Captain America Cake Pops were created to go with the Superhero party theme.  These pops are fudge cake dipped in candy melt and decorated with some fondant details.

Captain America Cake Pops

Captain America Cake Pops

These cake pops were created from a few leftover French Vanilla pops from a recent order.  If the Midtown Sweets schedule permits, every so often I will create some random cake pops just for the fun of creating.  Most will be based on a favorite character, games, TV show, etc.

These pops are based on a humorous line from a popular comedy TV show.  Can you guess what TV show?

Bears Cake Pops

What kind of Bear is Best? False. Black Bear.

Beets Cake Pops

Bears Eat Beets.

Battlestar Galactica Cake Pops

Bears. Beets. Battlestar Galactica.

Bears Beets Battlestar Galactica Cake Pops


These cake pops were ordered as a Just Because gift.

They were modeled after the character from the popular stop motion animated series, Robot Chicken.  They are Spice Cake Pops covered in white chocolate and detailed with fondant and modeling chocolate.  The beak, eye(s), and comb are tinted modeling chocolate. The face shield is black fondant brushed with silver luster dust.

Robot Chicken Cake Pops

 Robot Chicken Cake Pops